Monday, December 28, 2009

Australian Terrier

Australian Terrier originally from Australia, after Cairn Terrier, Dan first Dinmont, Irish Terrier, Manchester Terrier, Yorkshire Terrier, Skye Terrier cross, improved betrayals. Between 1872 to 1876, this dog has had a long history of records. In 1868, an exhibition at the Royal Queensland, Australia, its display of coarse stems, that is, the prototype of the early Australian Terrier. In 1885, has long been known as the Australian Terrier in Melbourne, the Australian Terrier Club in 1889 in Melbourne was established in 1896 to develop a standard of such dogs, and then spread around the world in 1933 was the All-England Dog Association recognized . American Dog Association in 1960, was approved and carried out the registration. This dog was Shuer and Chuier these two, Shuer dogs recognized by the United States, the United Kingdom have recognized these two kinds of dogs.


Australian Terrier tenacity, aggressiveness, is a typical looking dog. Its ability to kill small animals and birds of all pests, including many snakes. It is also a street-wise look at the dog that can guard alone for widowed park, to prevent the intruder from outside. The dog still retains this peculiarity - is unlikely to give up the right to fight with other dogs, but also can not be peace with the cat to get along with them, unless it has been kept together since childhood. It is a fun partner can give people dogs, but in any case, it is necessary to teach it to accept the transfer training. Although the species in Australia and New Zealand, the most popular, but there are also present in his main English-speaking countries. This character was strong and the Australian Local Terrier ancestors came from England, the colonists had brought these dogs in Australia, in order to breed a kind of large-scale ranchers for the farm and the work of dogs catching mice. Suitable for urban life; suitable for hot weather; does not require regular combing coat; is an excellent goalkeeper dog. They are naturally suited to engage in a variety of different jobs. Their enthusiasm and intelligent expression; their courageous and confident personality. Suitable for urban life; suitable for hot weather; does not require regular combing coat.


Height: 24 ~ 25cm

Weight: 5 ~ 6kg


The first minister and strong. Tone, length and head the Department of length approximately equal. Enthusiastic and intelligent expression. Small eyes, color from dark brown to black in his eyes, passionate. The appropriate distance between the two. Eyes the color black, oval in shape. Ears small, vertical ears, ears pointed; ear position high in the skull, the appropriate distance from each other. Fully erect ears, there is no tilt. From the front or side view, skull long and flat, the length slightly larger than the width between the eyes of the only Department of lighter, but it is very clear. Tone strong and powerful, slightly below the eyes to fill the position. Strong jaw. Nose black mirror. Lips tight, dark brown or black lips. Teeth moderate size, scissors-like bite.


Neck long, slightly arched and strong, and smooth over the shoulder fusion. Dorsal-ray and strong. Solid body structure, ribs expansion is good, but does not allow barrel chest, chest deep just below the elbow. Waist, strong, fairly short, slightly abdomen. Tail length is the total length of the tail to leave less than 1 / 2.


Shoulder length, shoulder and body with good shoulders have only a very small space. The length of the upper arm and shoulder blade approximately equal. Shoulder and upper arm angle of 90 degrees between. Elbows close to the chest. Forelegs straight, from the front, legs parallel to each other, bone round bone mass medium. From the side view, front legs at the bottom of the right body position, suddenly in front of the sternum. Wrist strong, slightly oblique. Claw foot is small, neat, like the Cat's Claw; toes arched, compact, turning neither inward nor outward. Nails short, black, solid.

Strong rear; after the right knee and the hock point of view, hock short and perpendicular to the ground. Thigh and calf muscles are well developed. From the rear, hind legs with the ground vertically, while the corresponding foreleg, respectively in the same plane.


The external coat rough and straight; In addition to the tail, ankles, legs below the hock feet long behind and have longer hair, ears to keep a very short coat condition. At the end of hair is short and soft. Hair ornaments hair than the physical soft. Long hair on the neck are decorated to form a circle of hair collar. Long before the ankle slightly feathered. Hammerhead only covers the first head; more refined than the coat, softer. Coat colors are blue and brown; pure brown; pure red.

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