Thursday, January 7, 2010

German Shepherd Dog

1) Outline

German Shepherd moderate size, there is a slight ductility; strong, there is robust and well-developed muscles, and strong bones; compact and harmonious whole. Male dog's height at 60 - 65 centimeters, the female dog's height at 55 - 60 centimeters. Length of more than shoulder high, in the range of 10% - 17%.

2) Gait

German Shepherd Dog is an emergency line of dogs, which showed the pace of movement for the right angle, that is its rear foot and forefoot movement in the opposite side at the same time. Since the completion of the entire limbs, a similar continuous diagonal movement, so it is moving operations from the rear of the central body when sent to the corresponding front legs have to stretch far back line of the body at the same time no significant changes. German Shepherd's body and its limbs, a high proportion of appropriate only in this way can be in the big dog across time is relaxed and comfortable. Dogs in the forward setting forward his head and tail slightly upturned, action stretch balance, from the ear tip back until the tail tip through the formation of an arc.

3) features

German Shepherd from the character requirements for sound, calm, confident, non-binding, and complete obedience to commands (except in the case of stimulation), and there is full mental state, actions lightweight agility. In addition, it must have the courage to fight the desire, strong personality, so as to assume the security, vigilance and grazing work. German Shepherd has a rich sense of smell, which makes it run in the fast-track the process of the body without tension and to allow the nose to the olfactory get close to the ground trace, which could easily, and accurately complete their mission. Therefore, it is also a multi-purpose track and search dogs.

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