Saturday, January 30, 2010

The Canine Genome Sequencing Project

The Canine Genome Sequencing Project (Dog Genome Project based at the Broad Institute of Harvard and MIT in Boston) has sequenced the dog genome in its entirety. One of their priority goals now is to identify the genes responsible for causing dog genetic diseases, defective genes, carrier states of hereditary disease and much more. Through using the powerful resource of the sequenced dog genome, the good folks at the Dog Genome Project hope to reverse the widespread prevalence of genetic disease in dogs worldwide.

However to achieve that noble goal they need your help! How?

Well the only means by which recessive genes and carrier states can be identified is at the genetic level (genotype) and not by visual observation of recognizable morphological traits (phenotype). To do this the Dog Genome Project staff need a large number of dog samples to analyze and that is where you, as a dog owner, can play a significant role by sending them a blood sample of your dog.

Genetic Diversity

During the process of natural selection genetic diversity is maintained, but contrastingly in selective breeding the opposite holds true; genetic diversity is reduced! Recent studies have revealed that genetic variation occurs frequently in normal populations of any species and that even those genes that are deleterious and defective are preserved in the gene pool as so-called recessive genes (recessive gene traits are not visibly apparent unlike dominant genes). It is now believed that such genetic variability confers adaptive properties to a population in the event of extreme environmental change.

Thus mutative genes that confer minimal benefit today could play a significant future role in the survival of the species in which it occurs. This could explain why defective or mutative genes are preserved as recessive genes in a population's gene pool. A good example illustrating the beneficial role recessive genes can confer to a population is the case of the English Peppered moth.

Like a large number of insects the Peppered moth relies on its color to camouflage it from predators. The dominantly prevalent grayish color of the Peppered moth allows it to blend in with its environment which so happen to be tree trunks and lichen of like color. Although lighter and darker shades of the moth exist, few of such individuals survive for the simple reason their camouflaging abilities are less effective.

However with the advent of the industrial revolution in the late 19th century the resultant pollution darkened the tree trunks such that the minority recessive trait which conferred a darker shade of gray to the moths became dominant because such moths were then better able to avoid predation. As pollution levels subsequently decreased the tree trunks gradually reverted to their normal color and so also did the color of the Peppered moth revert back to its pre-industrialization gray. Thus once again the recessive dark-gray color in the moth reverted to its usual minority role!

Gene Pool And Population Factors

A population may be described as a breeding group that possesses gene continuity from one generation to the next. Currently a growing body of dog experts believe that the dog evolved as a new species from the wolf to occupy a developing niche about 15,000 years ago. That developing niche revolved around human waste dumps; opportunistic wolves began inhabiting those waste dumps for easily available food supplies.

All told, 15,000 years on the evolutionary scale is an extremely brief period for a new species to evolve from another, suggesting that there must have been a considerable amount of inbreeding amongst those opportunistic waste-dump-frequenting wolves to propagate the tameness trait in so short a time span! Compounding this issue of limited genetic pool, a growing number of dog researchers now believe that the original genetic ancestry of the dog evolved from only three female wolves that inhabited China several thousand years ago (the so called eves of dog evolution).

The important point to note here is that even before mankind began his intensive trait-specific breeding program of the dog, and due to its unorthodox super-accelerated evolution, the dog gene pool right from the get go was rather limited!

The Scary Reality of Dog Genetic Disease

The prevalence of genetic disease in dogs today can only be described as alarmingly common which is bad news for dog owners and dog lovers alike. The following is a list to illustrate the magnitude of the problem:

1. On average all dogs carry at least 4-5 defective genes.

2. Over 500 genetic diseases have been identified in dogs.   

3. Hip Dysplasia (HD) (an inherited orthopedic disease that may result in the dog becoming lame) commonly occurs in 60 dog breeds and occurs less frequently in another 110 breeds; thus this disease is seen in over 170 breeds of dog.

4. 119 dog breeds are commonly afflicted with progressive retinal atrophy (PRA), a disease that quite often leads to blindness in the affected animal.

5. Of all the dog breeds the Poodle suffers from the most number of genetic diseases…145! The reason why the Poodle is predisposed to so many genetic diseases is because not only are there 3 distinct sizes of Poodle in this breed, the large count of disease is a reflection of the popularity of this dog breed. By and large a good rule of thumb is, the more popular a dog breed the greater the number of genetic diseases inherent in that breed.

6. Several popular dog breeds are linked to over 100 genetic diseases.

7. These days dog breeders spend well over $500,000,000 annually in an effort to address this disturbing trend of genetic disease in man's best friend.

As it is all the various dog breeds that exist today were artificially created; in other words each and every dog breed was selectively bred for a particular trait, be it coat color, coat length, sniffing ability, shortness of stature (miniatures), facial appearance and so forth…the list is virtually endless. The means by which those desired traits were obtained was to selectively breed that population of dogs that most strongly exhibited the desired trait; a breeding strategy that is otherwise known as inbreeding!


Dog behavior can be difficult to understand, especially for pet owners. Some dogs will chase each other all over the street, sniff each other’s bottoms, and then do a few nasty things that may or may not result in a litter of pups. Other dogs will growl at other dogs, bare their teeth, and then snap at other dogs. The latter behavior can be disconcerting to pet owners who are fond of walking their dogs, but who are afraid of alienating themselves from other pet owners who have less aggressive canines.

Dog breeders and owners describe this canine-canine war as dog aggression, which is technically a dog’s intent to do harm to another dog. Dog snap at other dogs is only one display of aggression, and it comes in the category of loud barking and growling at other dogs. Dogs show aggression not so much because they want to hurt another dog, but because they are defending themselves from potential harm. Such defense tactics are undertaken by dogs to gain a higher status over a potential rival, or simply because of built in instincts or traits that make them feel that they are dominant versus other dogs. Some dogs may also develop hormonal imbalance, prompting them to exercise dominance over other dogs by showing dog aggression.

Aggression is common, although some breeds such as bulls and terriers are more likely to display aggression as they age. If a dog starts off life as an abused or attacked pup, then he may be fearful of other dogs and thus exercise defense-based aggression or snap at other dogs. In particular, dogs can be aggressive toward dogs or objects that resemble anything that threatened or attacked them in the past. If your dog snap at other dogs, therefore, may simply be a sign that your dog is defending his or her territory, or is remembering something in his or her past.

If your dog continues to snap at other dogs, then you might want to take a look at the following tips to help you control your dog. If all else fails, take your dog to the vet or a canine behavior specialist for more information on how he or she can be made less aggressive or harmful.

– When dogs lack exercise, they can have a lot of pent up energy, and can actually be more emotionally and mentally unstable. Take your dog out often and make him or her exercise by jogging together, or by playing fetch in the park. This can allow your dog to use up all the energy that he or she has, giving him or her less time and resources to snap at other dogs.

– If you have a puppy, discipline him or her and start him or her on a disciplined life without abusing him or her. A well-disciplined dog is less likely to do harm, and certainly less likely to snap at other dogs.

– If you prefer a dog that is docile and quiet, then you might want to select a breed beforehand that is not prone to snap at other dogs or other forms of dog aggression. Choose toy dogs or retrievers if you have little time to undertake any disciplinary measures. If you are an experienced breeder or trainer, however, then go for terriers and bulls, but be sure to instill discipline early.

– Act as a dominant owner. If a dog senses that he or she is dominant in your house, or the seeming owner of it, then it can turn itself into the alpha dog and establish itself as the leader of your pack. It can then think that it has the license to snap at other dogs and display aggression.

– As much as possible, keep only one dog at home. The more dogs you have, the more defensive your dog will become, and the more likely he or she is to display aggressive behavior or snap at other dogs.

5 Things That Embarrass Dog Owners

We all want to be proud of our dogs.  That's one of the reasons we get a dog.  We love them and they become almost like a child in some cases.  You can see bumper stickers that say "My Dog Is Smarter Than Your Honor Student."  How embarrassing is it then when your dog does something that makes you want to crawl into a hole?  You've been telling people how smart, how cute, how wonderful your dog is and as soon as they see your dog he does something you hate.


1. Jumping on people.  One of the embarrassing things some dogs do is jumping on people.  Whether you're out for a walk or your dog jumps on people when they walk in your door, this is embarrassing behavior.  It's a clear sign that your overly-enthusiastic dog seems to be out of control.


What can you do to stop the jumping behavior?  One of the best things you can do to head off jumping behavior is teach your dog the Sit command when she is preparing to jump.  It's best to practice this in a confined area at first.  Practice when it's just you and your dog.  Make sure she already knows Sit.  When she starts to jump on you tell her to Sit.  Depending on how excited she is it may take a few tries to get this right but it will work.  Make sure you praise her and give her a reward she really enjoys, whether it's treats, a favorite toy or lots of petting and attention.


Once your dog is reliably sitting when she starts to jump on you, you can practice having a friend or family member ring your doorbell or knock on your door.  Your dog may get very excited again and prepared to jump on them when they enter.  Practice having her sit before opening the door.  Again, this may take some practice but your dog should get the idea that she is supposed to sit instead of jump.  If nothing else, she should be responding to your command to Sit.


Eventually you will move on to the hardest part — teaching your dog to politely sit when she has the urge to jump up on someone she meets in the street or elsewhere.  This is an uncontrolled situation so you should always have your dog leashed when you're out.  Make sure that your dog gives you a perfect Sit at home when she has the urge to jump before you try this outside your home.


2. Lunging at Dogs.  It's very embarrassing, not to mention rather dangerous, to have your dog lunging at other dogs when you're out for a walk.  The best way to prevent this problem is by making sure that you socialize any puppy well from an early age.  However, if you have a dog that is already lunging at other dogs or people, it's a little late for socialization.  You need to take steps to keep your dog from hurting anyone.  You may want to consider whether you should be walking your dog in public and whether you are able to control him.


You should consider whether your dog could have any kind of veterinary condition causing him to lunge or behave aggressively toward others.  Your vet may be able to find a physical cause for your dog's behavior.  If not, then you need to consider possible behavioral problems.  If your dog lunges at other dogs (or people) on an ongoing basis then you may wish to ask your vet to recommend a dog behaviorist.  They may be able to work with your dog and find the problem.


There are some things you can do yourself if your dog lunges at other dogs.  Consider a properly fitted muzzle or head collar.  A head collar such as a Halti or Gentle Leader is not a good choice for every dog but it does give added control over dogs that lunge and pull their owners.  You should be careful about possible neck injuries to your dog when he's wearing a head collar.


Avoid walking where there may be loose or stray dogs.  Your lunging dog doesn't need an added reason to pull on the leash.


Walk your dog in quiet neighborhoods and more controlled settings.


3. Constant Barking.  One thing that frequently embarrasses people with their neighbors is a dog that barks constantly.  If your dog is a nuisance barker and you're outside yelling at him to shut up, the neighbors can become annoyed with both of you very quickly, especially when they're trying to sleep.


Dogs often bark because they are bored, lonely or frustrated. But there are some dogs that seem to bark to hear the sound of their own voice.  The best advice to deal with barking dogs is to make sure that all of their needs are being met on a regular basis.  Take away their reasons to bark.  Make sure that your dog gets lots of exercise — tired dogs take naps.  Make sure that your dog has plenty of fun toys.  And, very importantly, spend time training your dog.  Obedience training can help keep a dog mentally fit — the opposite of boredom. Spending time training your dog also means that you're spending time together.  When your dog is having all of his needs met he will, hopefully, have less to bark about.


If your dog still stands in the backyard and barks at least he will have had a little obedience training.  When you tell him to "Come!" you have a better chance of him actually obeying you and coming inside where he will be quiet.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Mini Italian

Hi, Today we have noticed a huge change in our 10 week old Mini Italian Greyhound puppy (Tattoo) normally he has his little bursts of energy and then he's asleep for a couple hours. Well today he's been pretty lazy sleeping most of the day. Tonight I went to move him and he started yelping like CRAZY!!! I checked him over and nothing felt out of place or different. It doesn't matter where he is touched he yelps. He did fall this morning but has been walking fine when we put him down on the floor. I noticed his eatting has changed a little. Could this be because of teething? This has me really scared because I don't know how to soothe him. I've trying almost everything. Anyone have any Idea's??? I would be greatful of any insight that anyone has to offer.

Why Your Dog Is Eating Everything In Sight ?

Before you can train your dog to stop his destructive chewing habits, you must first identify the type of chewing that your pet is demonstrating. There are different reasons why puppies and dogs engage in this habit, as well as a variety of ways to fix the problem. Therefore, identifying the type of destructive chewing is an important step in eliminating the issue.

There are different motivational factors for chronic and destructive chewing. The most common types are:

1. Puppy chewers2. Spiteful chewers3. Jealousy chewers4. Boredom chewers

Puppies chew mainly for two reasons: to explore their new world and to soothe their aching gums during the teething stage. Dogs between the ages of six to eighteen months have a different motivation to chew: boredom (although this motivator can also apply to puppies as well).

Most dogs who are going through their adolescent stage have high amounts of ener! gy in their systems. This energy, when not utilized or given the proper channel, can result in problem behaviors like destructive chewing. Chewing out of boredom between puppyhood and adulthood usually occur because the newness and excitement of the pet's presence in the home wears off. The family does not pay as much attention to them as they used to when he was still a puppy.

A different motivating factor that's responsible for problem-chewing is jealousy. This usually occurs in adult dogs. It could be caused by having a new pet in the household, or because the family has turned their attention to something else, thereby, causing the dog to feel alienated.

For example, if you keep catching your dog chewing on your books, it's very likely that he thinks that the books cause you to spend less time with him. The same reason can be stated for dogs who like chewing on their owners' shoes. Our beloved pets felt that the shoes were res! ponsible for alienating the owner's attention. Each time! you lea ve the house, the dog sees those shoes "going with you" and he will take his jealousy and frustration out on those shoes at any chance possible.

In this case, the best way to eliminate destructive chewing is as simple as spending more time with your dog. Spend ten or fifteen minutes with your pet before you start reading. Take him for a nice stroll, or maybe brush his coat before leaving the house. Most of the time, all it takes is giving your dog personal attention to get rid of these bad behaviors.

anal glands

If you own a dog you may have heard the term 'anal glands' and wondered what it is, and if it is a normal part of all dogs. The answer is yes; all dogs have anal glands. In most cases there are no problems associated with these structures, unless they become filled, and in which case, they become uncomfortable. In fact, infections and other problems can result from this situation.


Anal glands are small sac like structures that are located near the anus. There is one gland on each side of the anal region. The glands have openings that are located just inside the anus. Anal glands hold a liquid substance until the animal defecates, and at that time the liquid is normally secreted, or expressed from the glands, along with the feces.


Fear, nervousness, or even excitement can also result in the expression of this foul smelling, dark colored liquid. As a result it may be seen under the animal's tail, or near the rectum, or even on the floor near the pet.


Over-filling and/or inadequate emptying of the anal glands is not uncommon in dogs. When the glands are full the pet will begin to feel a discomfort in the anal region and strive to relieve that distress. Dogs are sometimes seen scooting their behinds across the floor in an effort to relieve the symptoms. Other times they will bite or lick at the area surrounding the anus and under the tail. Additionally, some dogs will keep their tail tucked down and under, or between their legs when they feel discomfort related to their anal glands.


Fortunately, the liquid can be manually expressed from the anal glands. One method is external manual expression. This involves squeezing the area on either side of the anus to 'milk' or force the fluid out of the anal glands. The other method is internal manual expression which involves inserting a finger inside the rectum of the dog and using another finger on the outside, with the anal glands between the fingers. Execution of either method should result in visible excretion of the fluid exiting the anal glands openings. Groomers and veterinarians are experienced in this procedure.


Allowing the fluid to continue to build without emptying the sacs can eventually result in the fluid changing consistency, from a fluid liquid to a much thicker substance that is even more difficult to express. At this point it is best to seek professional assistance from a veterinarian. If left unattended the anal glands can become infected and other problems can develop.


Depending on the severity of the resulting problems the dog may need to have flushing treatments of the anal glands and treatments with antibiotics, which may involve sedation, as well as pain medication. If the anal glands become repeatedly filled and problems continue it is possible that surgical removal will be suggested. The removal can sometimes result in (temporary or permanent) fecal incontinence.

dog wouldn’t learn anything?

How many times have you heard somebody complain that their dog wouldn't learn anything?  They may say their dog is dumb or their dog won't listen to them.  Yet as soon as someone else tries to teach the dog something the dog learns right away.  How do we explain these cases?  Has the dog suddenly gotten very smart?  Probably not.


The truth is that a lot of dog training depends on the attitude of the trainer.  If you approach training your dog with the belief that you can't do it or that your dog is not smart or is unable to learn anything, then most likely training won't go well.


Your attitude about training and your dog is more important that anything else.  It's more important than the equipment you buy, the training system you choose, or even the breed of dog.  If you have the wrong outlook about training it is likely doomed to fail.


Dogs are very social animals.  They love human companionship.  If you approach them in the right way they can be very receptive to learning nearly anything and they will want to do things to please you.  That's why a good attitude is so important on your part when it comes to training your dog.  When you are positive and pleasant your dog will respond the same way.  When you're excited about teaching your dog, your dog will be excited about learning.  A dog reflects your attitude, so if you have a good attitude about training your dog will have the same attitude.


A good attitude about training can also make the training experience much more enjoyable for both the owner and the dog.  You will be able to give better instruction and the dog will be able to learn more.  You will both benefit.


To achieve the best results in training your dog you should try to maintain a positive perspective.  Keep a mood that makes training fun for both you and the dog.  Otherwise you can be looking at a disaster.  You can keep this positive attitude with any kind of quality training method.  Good training requires positive reinforcement, which utilizes praise and affection.  These are best given by someone with a positive attitude.  Training can be offered with lots of encouragement and praise — key components of training.  All of these things are best done with a positive attitude.


You can be both firm and positive at the same time.  You don't have to be angry or lose your temper with your dog.  You don't have to adopt a severe tone during training.  You don't have to try to pretend to be mad.  You can simply move from your normal upbeat tone to a serious tone.  A lower, serious tone will be enough for your dog to understand that he has not done something correctly.  There's no need to overdo things.  Dogs are sensitive animals.  Then you can return to the normal praise and instruction in a positive, happy tone of voice.  Your dog will be very happy and motivated to learn with this kind of interaction.


You should always keep in mind that training your dog should be fun for both you and your dog.  When it's not fun for you it won't be fun for your dog.  It should be just as much fun for you as for your dog.  You should be trying to make the training process both exciting and enjoyable.  Make the training itself a reward for the dog — something that he looks forward to everyday.  It should be fun for him to spend this special time for you.  In this way your dog will be motivated to learn and perform.


If your training is a mandatory task, something that you and your dog are doing by rote, you should rethink why you are training your dog.  Unless you are excited about the training your dog won't be excited either.  You should be happy about spending this time together.  If training is a chore then don't be surprised if your dog doesn't learn.  These are negative attitudes and no one learns well with a negative attitude.


If you pursue training your dog with a negative attitude or with harsh methods your dog will not learn well and it's doubtful that you will enjoy the training yourself.  Try training with a positive attitude and you will see a great difference.


Look for the fun in training your dog.  Try training with a positive attitude and enjoy spending time with your dog.  Your attitude is all important for your dog's success.  Your dog can't do it without you.

Improve Your Dog’s Health

Most of the health problems that dogs face these days are due to the lack of proper healthy food. Many pet owners think that by buying their pets good quality food they will waste money. It is not true, because the illness the dog gets from bad food will be much more expensive to treat.

The vets are always advising you on buying healthy, approved food. There are many commercial pet food manufacturers that are motivated to create the best food and they compete over the healthiest ingredients. Also, if you get a dog from the breeder, he will tell you which types of food you must buy and which you should avoid.

There are many breeds that have special food requirements. There are also many people that say a natural diet is the best: bones and meat. They also say that raw meat is preferred because some minerals will not get destroyed in the cooking process.

One of the reasons why commercial food is prefer! red by many people, besides the convenience aspect, is the fact that it has many nutrients that are excellent for your dog's health. You can not have the same nutrients in a cooked or raw piece of meat. The manufacturers add minerals and vitamins into the food. There are many types of nutrient rich food and you can find it in supermarkets or pet shops.

It is highly recommended to mix some raw bones with dry food. Occasionally you can add some pasta and rice and even quality food.

There is almost no need to say how important the food is for a dog as it maintains its health and helps him perform. If the dog lacks vitamins and minerals he could get into serious health problems. Plus, good bones and dry food are also helping the dog clean its teeth and satisfy his impulsive need to chew on things.

Also, do not try to feed the dog only meet and bones. If you do not give him cereals or other source of carbohydrate, you could cause some severe d! eficiency and the dog can become sick, lethargic and sad.

Yo u will say that in the wild, dogs eat only meat but that is not true. They also eat vegetables that they find in the nature. The vegetables help with the digestive track. Sometimes they also eat wild fruits and plants.

So, from time to time, give your dog some cereals, some vegetables and fruits. There are even dogs that like fruits as much as they like candy and they will eat them without problems. If you see that he doesn't like it, you can start by feeding it small pieces of carrots and apples. In time, he will get used to it, as long as you persevere.

So keep in mind these simple advices and try to give your dog the best healthy meal that you can. The dog's health depends on this food you are giving the dog every day. Consult specialists and do research online to see the best dog food you could get.

Let your dogs swim

Let your dogs swim
Dogs are happy when they see other dogs. Dogs are happy when they see other dogs. A swimming pool measured 15 feet long and 4 feet wide. JOHOR BAHRU, JOHOR: Humans need to exercise to prevent sickness and it applies to your doggies, too.

Jack Russell puppy.

Just when I was at the end of a long and fraying rope, all of a sudden, Lance is finally "getting it." All day there has only been one little puddle on the floor. Every other time, he has hit the paper for both "jobs." I took him and Lara out for a 3 block long walk and he was "a little trooper!" He walks really well on the leash and he's never been taught any leash training. When we got home, the little guy was so tuckered out that he headed straight to his bed for a nap!!!

Cat pesking and senior dog pesking are still a work in progress but, slowly but surely, he's learning. He always comes when he's called even when we're out in the park and he's learned to sit for a cookie. Not too shabby for a 4 month old puppy!!!

I'm so glad now that Kim (my breeder) talked me into not giving up on him!!! BTW, he is getting cuter every day!!!

Friday, January 22, 2010

Fwd: [dog] DOG Apologizes !

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: zylzyq <>
Date: 2010/1/22
Subject: [dog] DOG Apologizes !

The "shoplifting dog" has come forward to own-up to the crime of store theft. —– [FEB 2009]. Shoplifting dog identified; family makes restitution: [FEB 06 2009] Mystery solved, suspect in custody! We finally know who pulled off a canine caper that generated news stories, and laughter, around the globe. The "shoplifting dog" has finally come forward and faced up to the crime. Returning to the scene of the crime in a Hummer, Akira took it easy this time, riding instead of walking.

Posted By zylzyq to dog at 1/22/2010 03:35:00 AM

DOG Apologizes !

The "shoplifting dog" has come forward to own-up to the crime of store theft. —– [FEB 2009]. Shoplifting dog identified; family makes restitution: [FEB 06 2009] Mystery solved, suspect in custody! We finally know who pulled off a canine caper that generated news stories, and laughter, around the globe. The "shoplifting dog" has finally come forward and faced up to the crime. Returning to the scene of the crime in a Hummer, Akira took it easy this time, riding instead of walking.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Fdse DOG

Fdse is a gorgeous male German Shepherd cross aged around 3 years. He's very easy to walk, the kennels describe him as "a really nice dog" and is incredibly friendly greeting you with a waggy tail and friendly face. Fdse can be a bit grumpy with other dogs so would probably be best rehomed as the only canine in the family.

Fdse has the most fantastic ears which are huuuggee and is really unusual being very German Shepherd but with a brindle coat! A dog to stand out from the others in the park.


Dodde is approximately 16 months old and a female Staffordshire Bull Terrier. Dodde has been described by the kennels as having "a lovely temperament" and is good with other dogs.Dodde is a really lovely all rounder and is pictured here enjoying some love from a ten year old.

She is an absolute poppet who you cannot fail to fall in love with. The vet is convinced Dodde has recently had pups and as she ended up as an unwanted stray in the dog pound we can only guess someone used to her breed from and dumped her once she had finished her job. This fantastic girl really didn't deserve that fate as she is so lovely


Lulu is a pretty little 1 year old Labrador Retriever. She came to us as a stray so we know little about her background. She seems fun and friendly and will need a home with lots of love and exercise.

During training

During training, it may be necessary to punish a dog. However, there are some very bad punishment methods that you must never use. Here is a list of safe punishments that you can administer to a dog within 10 seconds of it committing a crime. Delaying a punishment will cause confusion because the dog will not understand all the cruelty and will not associate it with the wrong doing.

1) Deny it treats – these are treats that it normally gets for good behavior

2) Time out from an activity

3) Take away its toys – For a short period of time

4) Ignoring the dog – and isolating it from the family members as well.

Dogs are very friendly creatures but the main problem now is that there are very many of them now, with more being born every day. To train the dog properly, it requires proper treatment, positive reinforcement an! d hygienic environments.

Dog Training

Dogs are very popular pets all over the world, no wonder they are referred to as man's best friend. They have very many characteristics including the fact that almost everyone can find a type of dog to adore. However, no matter the type of dog that a dog owner prefers, the first important step in peaceful and fun coexistence is having a smooth relationship with the family. The second step is training the dog. A dog which is not trained can be very disruptive and even destructive in a family.

A dog will be an obedient and loyal companion once it is trained. What can be more beautiful than a dog that will follow you diligently to the park on the leash, does not jump or bark at visitors or even leave its droppings at the doorstep? A well trained dog should have proper etiquette when there are visitors around, takes instructions, knows what to do and when to do it, and best of all, does what it is told to do. Since do! gs are pack animals, they always look up to a leader. It is vital to make the dog understand that you are the leader of the pack and not it your leader.

Before starting any other training, the first two things a dog must learn are housebreak and obedience training. Housebreak is teaching a dog where to relieve itself to avoid leaving its poop all over the house or other unacceptable paces. Obedience training is important to instill respect and chain of command to the dog. You can train a dog to be obedient from the time it is 49 days old. Once they have mastered these two, you may now go ahead and teach it basic tricks and any other fun training.

One thing you will learn fast is that dogs will always be trying to please their masters and will appreciate little treats and recognition whenever they do something right. The most common tricks you can teach your dog include "Sit", "Lie", "Shake", "Fetch" and &#8! 220;Play dead". With time, you can introduce it to compl! ex play games like catch the Frisbee, flip a treat from the nose to the mouth and chase a tennis ball.

Dogs allergic

Your dog may have an allergic reaction to anything at any time.  He can even have an allergic reaction tomorrow to the dog food that he's eaten all his life. He can have a reaction to the detergent that you use to wash your blankets.  He may suddenly have a reaction to the grass in your yard.  As a matter of fact, you may suddenly develop an allergy to you dog.


What causes allergic reactions?  An allergic reaction is the body's response to an "invader."  Your body, or your dog's body, mounts a defense against what it perceives to be as an attacker — whether it's a flea bite or the corn in his dog food.  That defense can be a rash, hives, itching, watery eyes, and so on.  The body is reacting to the offending allergen by trying to get rid of it in some way.  Yes, the body is overreacting, but that goes along with having an allergic reaction to something.


Why does a dog or someone develop an allergy when they haven't been allergic previously?  Their body may suddenly decide that something that they previously accepted is no longer acceptable.  The body may suddenly have an intolerance for a specific ingredient. Whatever the body is allergic to, it may only take a very small amount to get a big reaction.


Dogs are most commonly allergic to flea bites which results in flea bite dermatitis — itching, redness, rash, and loss of hair around the rear quarters and over the tail.  According to one vet, for a dog with flea bite dermatitis, or an allergy to fleas, if one flea bites a dog on the nose, the dog will itch like crazy around his tail.  This allergy makes a dog miserable.  Good flea control is absolutely essential for a dog that is allergic to fleas.


Dogs are also commonly allergic to some typical ingredients in dog food.  One of the most common ingredients in dog food is corn in various forms.  Corn can be found as whole corn, ground corn, corn meal, corn gluten meal and so on. If your dog is allergic to corn he will react to any of these kinds of corn. You may have to read the ingredient labels carefully to find some of the corn since it can be slipped in almost unnoticeably.


Dogs may be allergic to other grains and cereals in dog food, so you may need to try your dog on different foods to gage his reaction.


Dogs can also be allergic to different kinds of meat protein.  Some dogs are now allergic to chicken or lamb since these have been so commonly used as primary dog food ingredients. If your dog is allergic to one of these meat ingredients there are plenty of other meat proteins from which to choose.  Some dog food companies specialize in making foods with novel proteins such as emu meat, kangaroo, venison and others.


If your dog is on good flea control and you have tried different foods but you still suspect that your dog is suffering from allergies, it's time to see the vet. Your vet can test your dog to see what he may be allergic to.  It could be a cleaning product, something you use in your yard, or one of a dozen other things that we use daily. Your vet will be able to help you identify the cause of your dog's allergy.


Allergies are a problem for both people and pets but they can be overcome with a little effort. By identifying the cause of the allergy we can eliminate it and make our dogs much happier.

Reputable breeders

Reputable breeders are willing to discuss the ancestry of a puppy, as well as the medical history. In most cases both parent dogs will be available for you to see (or at least the mother), when you visit. Additionally, many of these breeders will provide a puppy starter package that includes a sample of the food the puppy has been eating, and often may also include such items as a blanket that has been used by the momma dog, the puppy and his littermates, plus a toy.


Because these items have the scent of the puppy's siblings and mother they are comforting to him. Many times these simple touches can make the difference between a smooth adjustment to a new home and several sleepless nights due to a lonely crying puppy. Speaking of problems with a new puppy, most breeders will suggest that you contact them with any questions regarding how to care for your puppy.

Making the decision

Making the decision to add a new puppy to your family isn't one that should be taken lightly. Many adjustments will be made by the family as well as the puppy. After all, the little pup will be leaving his momma, his littermates and the only humans he has ever known. But if the puppy has gotten a good start in life with a reputable breeder he is much more likely to have an easy time adjusting to his new permanent home.

Torturing Dogs, Cats

The Long Island woman accused of torturing at least 42 cats and dogs and burying them in her backyard has been indicted on four additional felony counts of animal cruelty — as well as dozens of counts of child endangerment for allegedly forcing her kids to take part in the abuse. Sharon McDonough, 43, is expected to be arraigned on the new charges on Thursday. She has already been indicted on


Merlin is a 4 year old neutered German Shepherd Dog boy. He is very boisterous, probably due to him having little exercies over the last few months. Merlin is being re-homed due to marriage breakdown, he is currently living with Molly another German Shepherd and a Jack Russell plus cats and three young children.

Merlin really needs someone who is GSD experienced and can give this boy the time that he needs, he is such an enthuiastic boy, full on, but we believe that with, training, patience and exercise, Merlin would make a lovely companion.

Merlin is now in a local animal shelter and it has found that his backlegs are very bad . We will get updates on Merlin in 2 weeks time, if anyone feels that they can offer Merlin a home please contact us a.s.a.p. His re-homing will be subject to veterinary advice


Buster is a 2 year old male cross-breed. He is a very friendly boy who loves to play with you and other dogs. Buster is fine with children and can be left for shopping etc. Buster needs a new home as his present owner's situation has changed and isn't able to give him enough time.


Meet Ceili, Cuan, Fianna, Ludo and Oisin who are five 9 week old male and female Whippet cross West Highland White Terriers all looking for new homes. They are adorable and are looking for good homes. They are typical lively pups and need someone around for most of the day. They will be fine to live with children, cats and dogs.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Dog clothes

A nice fit pet clothing, baby wear on your body will not only let themselves feel comfortable, but will also provoke other people envied the eyes, so that you feel the glory of being the host, but also to meet your baby who small vanity!

  So, how can we make your baby clothes that fit and flatter it both? The first step is the amount of body, we all know, human beings first before doing the amount of clothing measurements, in fact, like pets and humans, but also on the amount of measurements, yet the pet's measurements and human measurements for measuring part of it is cut quite different, from the pet point of view, their measurements should include: neck circumference, chest circumference and length.

  Now, we are part of the part of the explanation:

  First of all: neck circumference, neck circumference, the so-called, that is, that your precious neck perimeter, in other words is the normal wear collar perimeter of the location, this location is the location of an item of clothing collar, the collar should not be too hypertrophy, more can not be too small, the general release of one centimeter can be measured!

  Followed by the bust: in the end where the chest be considered pets do? Specifically refer to their former Tuigen at the widest parts of the circumference of a circle, usually where the pet would also be the most body fat had a place, because this place more than meat, thick hair, so the accuracy of measurement is very difficult to grasp, the general measurement of release of at least 2-3 cm.

Small dogs

Small dogs
Today, my friend buy a dog, it is very small but smart.If you give him things to eat, he will follow with you, and he will love you.

7 foot long dog

Today, a 7 foot long dog has made its way into Children.He is a about 7 foot long, maybe he is longer than 7 foot.I think he is very smart. If you want see him, I think you can search his photos.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Dog training

You have to train a dog learn to wait, which in many need them at all times.

First, let your dog sit on the floor according to your instructions, such a posture is conducive to the dog to focus attention, so for you to be carried out following any training is beneficial. Then you use hand gestures and language at the same time to tell it: "Do not move here." When you leave your dog, do not how far you have only to look at the possibility of a dog when you leave to remain intact. If a dog does not leave its original location, and you walk back to encourage it, however, give it a little to eat, stroke stroke its neck and shoulders, but also let the dog to see you appreciate the facial expression.

Dog training

Dogs think you are its master and king, so the start will be very naturally produce follow your wishes. This desire is a big trouble you put a more obedient dog training before your dog is always with you for all the time side. Do not show impatience, so make smart dog sad. Dogs are not wrong, it just wants to stay with you, you should use a more gracious way to tell it, one had a dog, how should the performance.

Dog games

Large dogs should not be excessive in an age of movement, muscle and bone of large puppies are being developed, over the long-term sports injuries cause trouble. Each dog can withstand the amount of exercise varies, please observe the livestock owners themselves decide the dog's exercise should not be making the dog exercise to failure. If the dog in the show tired after exercise, or claudication, please hospital treatment.

In Taiwan, most of the dogs were infected with heartworm, heartworm adults often parasitic in the right ventricle and pulmonary artery, interfering with the right ventricle valve atresia, a slight movement of dogs infected with endless asthma or heart and lung failure, shock and death to make. Heartworm infection can prevent, treat mild infections heal. Taiwan's Kennel dogs are sure to do heartworm tests and prevention or treatment of filarial infection in pre-determined mood, do not manage your dog excessive exercise (eg hiking, running, long-distance dog-walkers).

Dog girl

May see seemingly can not see uh. . . And so on. Hua Lili can not see the red cross is there to see to see almost a little too far to the right has a white box that dogs resembled a lion, Well ...

Raw dog food

Raw dog food
I have a recipe that we used together with a group of friends pet dog has been very simple to eat babies are eating, I suggest you try

 D + rice + vegetables, minced meat boiled paste cool one will give it to eat puppies 4 to 6 tons a day Do not give too much

 Able to do so after 4 months in the dog once a week to the cooked beef liver D Do not give other liver

 Now if the two and a half months ago, if strong recommendations to their pets to eat and small pieces of bone covered AD3 Theragran (pediatric vitamins chewable tablets) The above two kinds of day, no one can be a little expensive Theragran supplementary trace elements as well as help cover glass and the absorption of the nutritional foods to help bone growth and hair quality

Dog health problems Fungal skin disease

Dogs and cats fungal disease is mainly Microsporum canis, plaster-like microspore fungus, Trichophyton mentagrophytes and other fungal infections caused by.

Clinical symptoms: dog and cat skin fungus infection, the disease early is not easy to find after a few days the skin round or oval-shaped hair removal area. Most first appeared in the amount of face, ears, head or limbs, and other parts, and quickly spread to the body. Hair removal area began to redness, followed by skin thickening, rough, into the gray and the more dander, and thus form a crazy skin, wrinkles and other crack. This disease is not severe local itching.

Prevention: To maintain the animal body to keep clean, if there is abnormal or severe itching and other skin conditions, should be accepted veterinary diagnosis and treatment. More moisture, especially in the rainy season, but also pay attention to. Of infected dogs or cats in need of isolation and treatment to prevent further spread of the disease spread, young dogs or cats more susceptible. As the disease can be transmitted to humans, children and women's skin resistance is weak, vulnerable to attack, do not close contact.

Dog health problems Toxoplasma gondii

Toxoplasma gondii parasite toxoplasmosis caused by infection with mild flu symptoms similar easy for people to notice. For healthy adults or children, the disease is usually not dangerous; if women had been infected before pregnancy toxoplasmosis, it has no serious problem with the fetus; if women infected with toxoplasmosis during pregnancy for the first time, then the pregnant women may lead to abortion and fetal malformation. However, if proper preventive measures, it is entirely avoidable, there is no need to panic, but do not need to discard their beloved companion animals.

Toxoplasmosis mothers should arouse their attention, but a healthy and well taken care of dog or cat for you and your family will not pose any health hazards. To maintain basic hygiene standards will not only help to eliminate the risk of toxoplasmosis infection, but also help to eliminate a number of other sources of infection, so you and your love life more healthy pet!

Dog health problems Toxoplasmosis

Toxoplasma gondii parasite toxoplasmosis caused by infection with mild flu symptoms similar easy for people to notice. For healthy adults or children, the disease is usually not dangerous; if women had been infected before pregnancy toxoplasmosis, it has no serious problem with the fetus; if women infected with toxoplasmosis during pregnancy for the first time, then the pregnant women may lead to abortion and fetal malformation. However, if proper preventive measures, it is entirely avoidable, there is no need to panic, but do not need to discard their beloved companion animals.

Toxoplasmosis mothers should arouse their attention, but a healthy and well taken care of dog or cat for you and your family will not pose any health hazards. To maintain basic hygiene standards will not only help to eliminate the risk of toxoplasmosis infection, but also help to eliminate a number of other sources of infection, so you and your love life more healthy pet!

Dog health problems

Rabies (also known as hydrophobia) is a preventable viral infection of mammalian diseases can be transmitted diseased animal bites or scratches. The health of dogs and cats have been vaccinated do not carry rabies.

People have been bitten / scratched after emergency treatment:

1. With soap or disinfectant wash the wound with plenty of water about 20 minutes.

2. Immediately contact your local Center for Disease Control for treatment. Within 24 hours, beginning with the injection of human rabies vaccine can greatly reduce the risk of relapses.

3. To ensure the timely injection of 5-pin end of the rabies vaccine.

4. Asked whether the animals injected vaccine, observed after 10 days, if the animal does not appear ill symptoms, then it is very likely do not carry rabies virus, do not need to be processed.

Prevention: There should be active on a regular basis for their own dog and cat immunization, which is currently the most safe and effective measures to reduce the incidence of rabies.

Girl mounted by dog

Dogs and cats are living, they can also become sick and require care of you. As a host, it is best to understand as much as possible the knowledge, when the unusual occurs, promptly bring them to a professional animal hospitals for treatment.

Dogs and cats for abnormal symptoms include: diarrhea, vomiting, hair loss, skin rash, peeling, itching, coughing, sneezing, drooling, gum and more biting tail, rubbing buttocks, polydipsia and polyuria, anuria, hematuria, eat or drink, dyspnea, abdominal distension, jaundice, weight loss and obesity.

Dog adoption

Provides a free service to dog shelters, rescue groups, and people who want to adopt homeless dogs throughout Florida and the Southeast.January 5, in the Songyuan City, Mr. Sun Ningjiang home, an "iron covered with gold," Tibetan mastiff litter birth to 10 cubs, of which 3 was actually gray. This can be the bad music, Mr. Sun, "This is a goodly portion of luck."

According to Mr. Sun introduced biologically speaking, the origin authentic Tibetan Mastiff has a "throwback" phenomenon, under normal circumstances, 240,000 new students will have a Tibetan mastiff was born A silver-gray ash, be regarded as no one in 10000, value of money .

7 years ago, the hobby Kennel Mr. Sun started to raise Tibetan mastiff, a few years, only in his family born in a small Tibetan mastiffs have several hundred, "most of them black or a 'golden rail package', have never dared to their own Tibetan Mastiff family can give birth to a small gray mastiff. "Mr. Sun said.

In mid-December 2009, Mr. Sun with a mother's own Xining, Qinghai Tibetan Mastiff to the countryside, looking for a local purebred Tibetan Mastiff breeding. Results in a herdsman family, Mr. Sun phase of a two-year-old pregnant mother of Tibetan mastiff, he would take down the higher price. January 5, the mother Tibetan mastiff took 6 hours, has a small birth to 10 Tibetan mastiffs, of which only three gray, and they are all female mastiff.

"3 A's father is also a small gray 'iron covered with gold', pure Tibetan mastiff, my mother is, or will not give birth to a gray Tibetan mastiff, which is also the mother A's second child." Mr. Sun said, "gray Tibetan mastiff,咱Jilin Province in the Northeast are extremely rare and even, a viviparous 3, rare in the whole country. "

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Girl mounted by dog

Today, I saw someone search girl mounted by dog, I don't know what is it .So I search this, oh, My god, later when I know this,
I don't know why they search this .lol

Miniature dogs

Miniature dogs
All the dogs have a swim, but some are particularly fond of travel, and some do not love.

Small dog, if it trips, then, pay attention to the water not too deep, do not let it swim for too long, because small dogs strength, and other water not too cold, small dog easier to catch cold.

Women doing dogs

Women doing dogs
One women who has some dogs, often go with her dogs. Because she love her dogs. She sometimes go park, so her dogs walk with her.I don't know what I was saying. I don't know what I should write.

List of breeds of dogs

American Bulldog
American Pit Bull Terrier
American Staffordshire Terrier
Anatolian Shepherd (US and UK) or Kangal Dog
Belgian Shepherd Dog (Malinois)
Black Russian Terrier (Russia)
Boerboel (South Africa)
Boxer (Germany)
Cane Corso (Italy)
Chow Chow (China)
Doberman Pinscher
Fila Brasileiro (Brazil)
German Shepherd
Giant Schnauzer
Komondor (Hungary)
Kunming Wolfdog (In Asian nations)
Rhodesian Ridgeback (Africa)
Shar Pei
Sharr Mountain Dog (Serbia, & Macedonia)
Tibetan Mastiff
[edit]List of other guard dog breeds

Note some are not AKC, UKC, recognized and a few are not FCI recognized, but all at least have their own breed club.
Akita Inu (Japan)
Alano Español (Spain)
Argentine Dogo (Argentina)
Australian Cattle Dog(Australia)
Bandog (USA)
Beauceron (France)
Bouvier des Flandres (Belgium)
Bull Terrier (England)
Bully Kutta (Pakistan)
Cão de Castro Laboreiro (Portugal)
Canis Panther (USA)
Caucasian Ovcharka (Georgia)
Ciobănesc de Bucovina (Romania)
Danish Broholmer (Denmark)
Dogo Guatemalteco (Guatemala)
Dogue de Bordeaux (France)
Dutch Shepherd Dog (Netherlands)
English Mastiff (England)
Fila Brasileiro (Brazil)
Great Dane (Germany)
Great Pyrenees (France)
Greater Swiss Mountain Dog (Switzerland)
Hovawart (Germany)
Icelandic Sheepdog (Iceland)
Karelian Bear Dog (Finland)
Mioritic (Romania)
Moscow Watchdog (Russia)
Mucuchies (Venezuela)
Neapolitan Mastiff (Italy)
Perro de Presa Canario (Canary Islands)
Perro de Presa Mallorquin (aka: Ca de Bou)
Saint Bernard (Switzerland)
Schipperke (Belgium)
Shiloh Shepherd (USA)
Staffordshire Bull Terrier (UK)
Swinford (USA)
Tibetan Mastiff (Tibet, Mongolia)
Weimaraner (Germany)

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Choosing a dog for family

Choosing a dog for family
Dog on the owner's loyalty, from the emotional foundations of point of view, there are two sources: first, the mother of dependency and trust; second, the group leader of obedience. That is to say, the dog's loyalty to the master, in fact, is a dog or group of leaders, the mother of the faithful as a replacement. From the origin point of view, the modern family dog can be divided into two categories: Jackal and the Wolf kinds of blood lineage. Jackal blood of the faithful dog, the main source of emotional with the first one linked, that is, mainly out of the mother's attachment to the trust; such mothers, which can be expressed in any one of its friendly people. Wolf kinds of descent of the loyal dog, mainly with the second source of emotion linked, that is, mainly out of the group leader of the dog obedience Tadanori; kind of leader, the dog is a lifetime of only one. In this way, loyal to these two different origins of the dog run, and will have a different meaning. Jackal origin of the dog, the so-called loyalty to its master, it refers to all the friendly people that loyalty, while the wolf dog kinds of origin, the so-called loyalty to its master, then refers to an owner or individual owner loyalty. Jackal blood dog can be loyal to all of its friendly people, said that this "loyalty", for a particular host, it should be disloyal. Wolf kinds of dog blood, because life is only loyal to one master, so it can be said that the wolf dog right kinds of Hu dogs more loyal than the owner. The reason why these two kinds of origin, the loyalty of a dog there is such a distinction is rooted in the genes of these two dogs are different.

Funny dogs

funny dogs
Germany had had a pastoral placed in front of me I chose a Chihuahua ~ ~

Looking back I now a rude awakening ~ ~ ~

If you give me a chance in Heaven ~ ~ ~

I have to go to Nazhi Germany, animal husbandry, `~ ~

Worlds biggest dog

an American reared in a St. Bernard dog. Breeding since 1982, to December 3, 1984, when its body weight of 140.74 kilograms.

7 dog

Are two different things.

Yet to see it thought it was the ancient name of a ship, and then Stephen Chow on the sail that boat to fight.

Causing loss of lives to fight to kill. It really fierce battle!

I laughed after seeing posters.

Who is where in the dream.

Heard of the 7 DOG is the Department of sci-fi film after I laughed again. What is it it is also ancient.

Are two different things. Yes, I dream of the strike chaos.

Again hear the radio after a large piece of praise. Dengdeng the day before yesterday ran a theater.

But it was just a dog. It is only an alien dog. Just the beginning thought it was something, a green group, plus a percentage of serious non-symmetry with the body's head, a hairy white head.

Coupled pairs of large eyes, individuals believe that the whole looks more like a little more than a cat.

Good cute.

Because it is extremely high expectations with a look at the.

After looking at did not feel anything, there is nothing very shocking feeling.

But this does not mean is that the film well.

Merely your own place high demands on Bale.

However, this is not it good Mody. In the flat in the laughter.

I wish you all a good good year.

Choosing dog breed quiz

Is best not to buy a dog, then bought a small, it is best to buy 4 months, so basically be able to identify the species. You can determine for themselves in the end purely impure .4 month's basic posture already have, there will be no significant change in the

Dog names

Dog names:
We love our dogs, so often we will give them a closely names.
But often, we give our dogs name by what they looks liks.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Dog from the ill

Last night, they probably around 14:30, take a nap for a while, around 5 o'clock to take her Zaiqu infusion

Every time he got to the hospital, will be very scared, I kept to comfort him.

He's looked at me piteously, and made very sad ... ...

Middle of the night he was always climbing up and went to sleep on the floor ... ...

Again and again to get up, hold it back, again and again to get up to help her clean up, vomitus and feces, and made 3,4 o'clock before I often go to bed

After this incident, I deeply realized that small is not terrible, fear is discouraged, as long as we use a strong heart to face and not to abandon without giving up a certain death from the hands of the young innocent lives to fight back.

Finally, I wish all of the dog world, can be healthy and happy, all the owners are happy, thank you watch ... ...

Ill dog

After the mother returned home that day immediately isolate us, and I, and Babe together to take care of him, and he was mentally okay is not so naughty had. Back to one and a half hour or so, pull twice, urine once. But the pull of the is pink. I am very worried about my heart very frightened. In order to take care of him, I invited three days off, I heard a small incidence of the third, four, five, three days of the most dangerous, I would like to accompany him survive it.

8:30 am to accompany her fluids, holding that he sat one morning.

4-month-a small silve

4-month-a small silver fox Beibei, unfortunately infected with parvovirus.

That morning I go to work he was perfectly good, my mom more than 10 o'clock, he ate breakfast vomit. My mother thought it was to eat more, to the two gastrointestinal safety. Was later pulled. Noon, has granted it a 4. The afternoon, or pull, pull the shallow yellow.

My father took him to the hospital on the pull, the doctors said to be small, a plus sign, it should be early, to open a 1,500 yuan a liquid infusion twice a day, a total of six days.

Dog don't eat

    My family's baby four months old, and we have to give it the Royal A3d puppies eat dog food, but recently suddenly not interested in dog food. Ago to give it to eat quickly, take a few days before hand, or dog food and fresh material on the package until mixed together to eat, now no the slightest interest in the dog food. In the summer, when I take the dog back to the home, because the Olympic Games can not be checked until the National Day can bring it back to the work place. Adults are busy at work at home but also to get another to eat a lot of trouble it is there any way to make it longer to eat dog food? ? ?

PS: My uncle's house to eat the dog also began to eat anything that does not eat dog food was dog food. Dogs will have such time Mody? ? ?

Hero hero

Later stray dog management center staff to, and want to bring back to Dani, Dani has been struggling to fight. Also scratch the two staff members. "It's become irascible temperament, and vulgar, it's only a thin skin and bones. Coat color depth than before, a lot, but I still recognize it is out of Dani," said Mrs. Johnson. It turned out that the staff wanted to give Dani injection of anesthesia needles, Mrs. Johnson come forward to seek the love ... ...

     Old York tumble back to old house, 200 meters away from the door pull out all the efforts cried out several more: Dani! Dani pricked up his ears, shake the body struggling with snow Quezhao leg ran to the master.

     Dani a broken leg, and often convulsions, vomiting, body very weak, veterinarians say that it did not treat seriously injured. And the long-term malnutrition, may not survive much longer, it is sad that, in the three days of the early morning, Dani quietly at the bedside of York died, just two weeks after the death of Dani, the old York has also gone, York families to bury them together, so that they have to rely on after death.

      Dani is now still do not know how to spend like 2000 meters above the river the railway.

Dog hero hero

September 14, Pierre Jeep with his son and in vivo have installed sensors to Dani, boarded the train from Denver to Chicago. Travel 18 hours 40 minutes, the road up to more than 1000 miles.

Jeep, according to Pierre's son later recalled. On the train, Dany was placed into the animal compartment, and its just a good seat near the train windows. Fed to the Dani, the total eye to see it in a blink Buzha also looked at the window, looked like a wandering away from home. Another carriage, in the GPS satellite positioning system accurate help. Professor Dani saw the representative of Muslim points of light moving from west to east moving maps.

      After tracking system shows. Dani every day in Chicago, a city within a small range of slow activity. Everything is normal. Observations on the teaching of lower frequencies. Chicago to telephone, Dani had disappeared! According to Pierre recalled that morning, family members have left, and he and Dani walking back at noon Dani disappeared disappeared.

     Receive the message is the same day at 4 pm, the time away from home away from Dani has 6 hours, and Muslim professors to immediately open the tracking system, we saw a small dot that represents Dani is fast moving toward the west, location, probably linear distance of 300 km with the Chicago Office of tin Dala Pi Chi City. Dani's goal is obvious. Running west, but to go home this way at least to go through several major cities across three states.

Hero Dog

Dani home news also caused well-known American scientist Muslim professor's interest in dogs: guide dogs is how more than 300 miles away and the way home? To find out, he personally found York, in the hope Dani research. Old York is firmly refused.

      Back of 1.5 million dollars of the purchase dog models, the York family's life more of the poor. Old York often live frugally feeding Dani. One day Wendy reluctantly pointed out: this continues to not work, or to sell Dani bar. Dani had fled to return in view of the lessons, York has selected as far away as 1,000 miles away in Chicago buyers Pierre. During the repeated Muslim professor to ask if the sale of the situation. With his many years of research experience on the dogs. He hunches Dani Ruozai sold is likely to go home again. We should know that guide dogs will remember that last time is how to overcome difficulties to return home, but will remember the joy of home, next time a similar experience, these memories will be transferred out, it does not know the length of the road, but also do not know if will be successful, it will only brave and blind adventure. Even in exchange for pieces ... ...

     Hear the teaching of the speculation, buyers Pierre hesitated. At this point, Professor of buyers offered to pay half of the purchases for the dog section. Conditions in the remote tracking devices implanted Dani 2 months, in order to observe its whereabouts. Meanwhile, in the neck hanging tag "Dani" the nameplate. Pierre agreed.

Hero Dog3

June 22, Dani's new owners come in person to pick Dani old York home. While the new owner is prepared to hold the car when Dani, Dani actually broke free. Hide in the house, "hide and seek" game lasted more than 20 minutes. Finally, the old York with the husky voice said: Dani hug! He flew at arms of the Qin Shouba send Dani got on. The car, Dani more than wail. No. howling crying outside the car for the elderly.

     Dani left a day early as 8 am, the elderly York spent sitting in the yard alone and never went for a walk. Eight days later, Dani's new owner phoned to say: Dani disappeared. This allows the elderly York are concerned.

      Early one morning in late July, York in his sleep heard a familiar barking dogs. He explored the bed. Leaning on a stick awkward blind to open the courtyard door. He felt the two hairy paws around his legs, that it is a long-hoped-warmth. He squatted body to touch it, it gently lick his face, is Dani, that's right. Although it smoked the whole body smell smoke. Lean into the skin and bones, but York still recognize it.

     Dani from more than 300 miles away Garden City is back! Is too much. Number of media reporters have come to after hearing the call for interviews. The pressure of public opinion so that the old York to start thinking about the fate of Danny. He called to the buyer, the other party refused to take back Danny. York mixed feelings back the money.

Hero Dog2

In March 2002, 65-year-old Denver-old York, United States suffers misfortune, to accompany his wife for many years died. 5 years ago, York was suffering from cataracts, eyes blurred, his wife became his eyes, his daughter Wendy is a cast technician, she hired nannies to take care of the elderly. Near neighbor's Labrador guide dog gave birth to 6 Xiao Zai. York adopted a one and it's called: Dani.

    Soon, Wendy will be sent to Dani guide dog training center. In September 2003, Dani already trained to go straight ladder before the stop, dangerous situations and so on with the action alert. Subsequently, the old York came to the training center, he will meet the dog training in collaboration with the completion of the last month. In June 2004, more than 2-year-old Dani with the old York home.

     Since then, the daily 8 am, Dani became firmly at the door, waiting for the master travel. When the old York in front of the saddle on the Dani, it will dig into, with the owner freedom of movement throughout. Blink of an eye to February 2007, the old York because the cold caused by pneumonia, had to be hospitalized. The spring of 2008, Wendy's husband due to a car accident, spent a lot of treatment costs, just get in trouble at home. In the old York's insistence, Wendy back the original rental house, moved to the old York home, and resigned from the nanny.

      In June 2008, the old York heard that guide dogs are hot, he decided to sell Dani. On that day, he sat in a chair, tears touching the head, said Dani: Dani, you have the right to a better life, Dani understand the words of the host. With moist eyes staring at the York pity, moaning in the mouth from time to time. Wendy had to post dogs for sale online. After a living in Garden City, Kansas 15000 U.S. Internet users as to the price of purchase.

Hero Dog

The hero is a guide dog Dani. Dani has been sold after the owner abandoned the second, still thinking about the blindness of the owner and warm home, which from 1000 miles away, after 5 months of life and death danger and finally went home with pain. After returning home, it still did not forget to fulfill their duty to guide the blind. Unfortunately, three days later, Lawton, and injuries are ruthlessly claimed it back to life.

Love dogs

Soe Tha, post positions, stand up with two rows of heavily armed soldiers wearing helmets. Seven-step away across the disc, the squat one called "Yellow Fox" of the dogs. Although it between the nose and lip kiss between the sparse long-haired do have bare, exposing a bit of aging, but it is small abdominal Kuanxiong figure, full of well-developed muscles, shoulders, on which Road conspicuous scars and short of a small fraction of the right front claws, still we can see that it is the demeanor of a young man mighty brave.

It is the owner ---- platoon leader diasson Hill will be a second Order of Merit and two third class medal, hanging on its neck. Gold medals glittering in the sun, the purple ribbon wrapped around its golden fur, the exceptionally bright.

Song, deputy company commander supreme commander post to stand straight before it, a paper read aloud the command: "Soe Tha post dogs, No. 08431,1979 years of service in the Vietnam war in self-defense corps won many victories, are a result of over-age and severe physical disabilities and ordered its withdrawal from active duty ... ... "

Song, deputy company commander had hardly faded from the queue where the soldiers will be warmly applauded. Poor yellow fox did not know they are retired. Although it extremely smart, but still do not understand the complexity of human language. At the moment, it looked at this solemn scene, but also that the post to bring it to the implementation of any major combat task? It is excitement, head held high skull, Tingzhao chest, and make valiantly in a battle stance.

Love my dog

More than two weeks of the


The relationship between the long teeth bite into something very much like

Would like to give it a shot is hard to see a close-up lens on the fiddle

So now we took a not clear reluctantly be able to see the body

In the Khan 1

The second day

Home more than a week ~ impermanence .. hot and cold weather in the south cold

Middle of the night was also very poor coughing non-stop ..

Also playing another medication penicillin

Finally is quite gone by

Look at the nose of those secretions

Diary for my dog

Bought back the first day of

Tired .. a car to go home to sleep

Leave a person in a cage screaming `` `bored to death I maid a

Khan, a ~

Dog Smart

Dogs are very pass humanity. This species is said that dogs come to earth in order to posters home care homes, so the dog world, there are too many on the Savior, the Lord's moving story of loyalty. My father likes raising animals, when I've got a great dog and a curly-haired dog, but also raise a lot of other animals. When the elderly father is no longer raising animals, he said, afraid that they die when their unbearable suffering.

Chongqing Evening News January 4 article on the reports of dogs being reproduced in many places, and saw very inner thoughts and feelings. Reported that early morning of January 3, in Chongqing's Cultural Palace back door rental housing ago, faced with single-minded take their drinks to kill the owner, a dog did not choose to escape, but the owner chose to kneel and Qiming tears . Kneeling more than 1 hours, despite the shivering, but did not run away. This is how the scene!

Small Animal Protection Association Volunteer Xiaohong said at 23:00 on the 2nd or so, small animal rescue hotline, surnamed Chen Ayi received a phone call from "a very human dog pass, knees pleading for his life to the owner, the owner is not The client was incensed over it ... ... "Chen said that in the Cultural Palace near the back door of the rental housing migrant workers in front of a dog and teenagers, two front legs on his knees, tears helplessly watching the masters do not ask, do not run. To be used to kill the knife, they put aside.

Xiao-hong said, "At that moment, a lot of onlookers spontaneously become its protector, help to its plea." Logic full of migrant workers, said that dogs are fed their own large, post-mortem is to winter drinks. Migrant workers who said, "it was too pass humanity, and has tears in his eyes knees, kneeling over one hours, despite shivering, but did not escape." He said the dog was just a scene kneel seen Ms. Chen, and waited at the next to negotiate with their own, in order to plead for the dog, nearly 20 onlookers also help to intercede. Although, his mouth and spoke: "It is too pass humanity," and "a matter of fact, see its appearance, I do not have the heart to kill." But accept it or volunteers of the Small Animal Protection Association to pay them a small macro 60 Yuan redemption fees, only put him this morning till evening, he gave loneliness brought warm and happy dog a way out. If there is no pay for it?

It's not over until the Small Animal Protection Association volunteers, Xiao-hong hold their money or ransom it, the sword is not to stand up to escape dog jumping tits, but tears still kneeling there, looking helplessly to kill it owner, could not bear to leave. Xiao-hong, said yesterday (3) a day, this just arrived in small animal shelter dogs without food base, based on their years of experience to judge dogs, it has the nostalgia! This modern version of the "human" heart and "dog" in sharp contrast to the heart can not let us think and reflect on.

It is a fact

A very cute black puppy, a child's father in the office, the first two weeks have been a dog drug death, the father and child, said first dog as it will bite someone else's heels were raised to someone else, the child is very sad, though, and the small only 4 and monthly dog's feelings, but the dog and the boys play with boys also loved the puppy dog boy seeking his father to bring back his father's workers have brought back next week to six, the boy is very happy, and so the a week, week 6 the morning and his father went to the office, another employee took one born a month before the dog to him to play, the boy looked at can be called that wishful thinking is a puppy, ask for several days, the father there is no way to tell the truth out, the child is very sad not believe it. Went to see the camera and see the process, and finally died of heart has been crying to his father's office, seeking to return home to his father, his father sent him on the way home had been crying, crying all day, sad day,

This is a true story, can be said that what happened today, that boy is me,

Can you know this

My family had two stray dog there are more than 10 stray cats I really can not afford to support him, but has a big sister, we both have to go to his big sister touched drugs would not be needed at home to the demolition *

I went to see him these days, when he was very docile

But most of all let me surprise and atmosphere is that we give him medical treatment of its life was ruined the day I saw a big hole in the back there do not know who to use that bottle at the back up to it ah bloody legs and there was also watching heartache is certainly true that he was the scourge of such a person really had to unscrupulous

Therefore, I hope to have good-hearted people to adopt it

Want to have good people there quickly

If you do not come to the puppy's life is really fast there is no

Help the dog

Beijing Jian Guo Men High Court outside the East Gate, bushes hiding with a little black dog, he has already spent 10 days here, and the skin had multiple wounds, as well as a few are not the ocean. Now the weather so cold, there are cold and hungry dogs, too sorry for myself. Who can help him.

Dog sick

Means of three pollution of the environment to increase chances of becoming sick

Pet Hospital BATH never disinfect cages and is up and washing with water, the ground is not sterilized in order to increase the chances of becoming sick the other dog. Suffering from acute infectious disease of dogs of its faeces, urine and saliva contains a lot of viruses, does not disinfect the virus into the hospital library. Your puppy could have been to see that kind of environment for minor illnesses may be passing on to one of the major diseases. Some black heart hospitals to infectious diseases of the dog dead bodies were disposed at the hospital around that they become a source of infection. Under natural conditions the virus in the dog's body can survive for at least five years. Living in the surrounding dog can be considered trouble. Hospital Daoshi rich. Many dog owners bring their own dog to the pet hospital bath. We paid attention to without their dog a bath towel is never sterile, and not because of laziness is to pass mites and skin diseases. As long as the dog has mites all the other dogs will sooner or later pass, fungi more easily infected, the consequences can imagine. Hospitals can "cure to save the dog," the.


    "Anti-triad Unit Five" Tianjin Pet Hospital hoax Exposed

If you ask people what the industry is the largest profits industry, and most people may not know that we have to tell you to open Pet Hospital is the largest of the lucrative industry. You may ask: We know that pets medical care is quite expensive, but the hospital require a high pet-related knowledge, how drugs are also quite expensive which is the largest lucrative industry? We are "anti-triad of the Working Group," After all pet hospital in Tianjin, "conducted a thorough investigation" as we opened the various tricks of the hospital and your pet can not think of a means of profiteering.

Pet hospitals are one who is open?

Tianjin Pet Hospital, the following category of persons. 1; the past, dog traffickers. Most of them are locals living in the past in order to buy a dog and found a lot of money to open Pet Hospital, which opened the hospital after the switch. They do not have any expert knowledge when relying on the past, traders have come to the dog's "little knowledge" of the so-called technology, open a hospital doctor dog can be seen as what we all think about it. 2; foreign farmers. We entered into the Pet Hospital, a doctor must find that the majority of outsiders. They have been farming village of dirt farmers or veterinarians, now transformed to become a pet doctor. Their knowledge of many dealers do not like dogs. 3; the so-called professionals. They really studied the relevant courses to veterinary professionals in itself, but we must not think of the various fraudulent means to the majority of it is precisely their "invention."

2; business area looks pretty much the decoration of the Pet Hospital, is not the formal deceiving people?

Some hospitals rent a few hundred square meters of facade decoration is also very decent to everyone's intuition seems to be normal, but we think

This facade million in rent on a month, plus renovation costs at all costs a lot of pet should never see a doctor who earned back, some of the boss known as stem 3 months will be able to recover their investments. So they cheat Qiren Lai is unscrupulous, figure 100.

Let us all reveal their deceptive means 11 bar

Means a disease that did not sick, minor illnesses that seriously ill

Pet Hospital, in order to earn more money without the disease will invariably say that sick pets to a minor illness into a serious illness that has a slight dog vomiting and Diarrhea phenomena there are only a general indigestion. Has a slight cough dense vegetation and the nose there are only ordinary cold, but they say that an See vomiting Diarrhea is a small virus, a cough, see Blast sieve say is a dog day, so even an injection fluid in the continuous treatment of at least one or two hundred a week you went to more than 1000 pieces of his pocket. If I give you a puppy with the monoclonal antibody or other biological agents they making profit, but most of the time point of these expensive drugs did not give you to spend, but money is one more excuse for Bale . Is even more appalling is that your dog really suffering from distemper, or parvovirus, when they are still only in order to reduce the cost of money does not give you medication, anyway dog owners have no way to know what medicine they are used in the end. Not care about life and death of pet hospital puppy they want to just make money. Some dog owners say that my dog made in his laboratory, where they say the disease is the ah, but tests can also be cheating. General laboratory tests have now been using a one-off case, there is a real positive for the two red lines appeared only a red line which was negative. They appear a red line is called a weak virus infection, the fact is no such thing as a weak virus infection this view it is their own idea of the name for Bale in order to deceive. Positive is positive, nothing negative is a weak negative virus is not a weak virus.

The means to make two fake vaccine or vaccine failure

Many dog owners have for their own dog vaccination in order to prevent the dog's acute infectious disease, but if the hospital does not get sick pets will not make money, so they came up with this trick. Method One IMPACT seedlings. They give you a puppy play is not a vaccine but a distilled water or what vitamins because you did not see him light to see an injection pump of the syrup from there. Experienced dog owners will ask the person taking the vaccine after the injection, when they were using two methods to make the vaccine ineffective. Vaccines need to freeze imports of Chinese-made vaccines that they need a vaccine refrigeration temperature delegated all the long period of time before freezing or refrigerating the failure of such a vaccine to fight, and do not play the same. If your dog got sick after they played the vaccine would say that is because the virus is too strong because of their hands and feet.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

intelligence rating

The work of world-famous dog obedience and intelligence rating, according to a psychology professor at Columbia University, STANLEY COREN with 208 parts of a dog-training experts, 63 of small animal veterinarians, and 14 research guard dogs and guard dogs of experts to conduct the various well-known breeds in-depth interviews observed, and the Vancouver Dog Obedience Club offers a large number of very valuable information, fill in a very complex large questionnaire on the work of dog obedience and intelligence were ranked Top Rank announced is as follows:

1. Border Collie

2. Poodle

3. German Shepherd Dog

4. Golden Retriever

5. Doberman Pinscher

6. Shetland Dog (Shetland Sheepdog)

7. Labrador Retriever

8. Butterfly Dog

9. Lowe took

10. Australian Cattle Dog

11. Welsh Corgi

12. Miniature Schnauzer

13. English Springer Spaniel

14. Belgium Teflon dogs

15. History of the Parker Dog / Billy Shepherd History

16. Scottish Collie

17. German Shorthaired Pointer

18. English Cocker / Standard Schnauzer

20. The United States can Card

21. Weimaraner

22. Bernese Mountain Dog

23. Squirrel dogs

24. Irish Water Spaniel

25. Vizsla

26. Kadi Ken Welsh Corgi

27. Chesapeake Bay Found out dog / Polly Dog / Yorkshire Terrier

28. Giant Schnauzer

29. Universal ridge

30. Briard

31. Welsh Springer Spaniel

32. Manchester Terrier

33. Samo Ye dogs

34. Newfoundland Dog / Australian Terrier / American Staffordshire Terrier / Gordon Setter / Bearded Collie

35. Kane Terrier / Kerry Blue Terrier / Irish Terrier

36. Norway Mi hunting dogs

37. Monkey face Terrier / Silky Terrier / Miniature Pinscher dog / Pharaoh Hound / Clumber Spaniel hairy Chuier

38. Lowe ridge

39. Dalmatians

40. Bennington ridge

41. Irish Wolfhound

42. Library Schwarz dogs

43. Saluki

44. Knight Charlie Wang Hound / German Wirehaired Pointer

45. Siberian Husky / Bichon dog

46. Tibetan Mastiff / Ling embankment / English Foxhound / American Foxhound / Griffon

47. West Highland White Terrier

48. Boxer / Great Dane

49. Sausage dog

50. Alaskan Malamute

51. Shar Pei

52. Rhodesian Ridgeback

53. Irish Terrier

54. Boston Terrier / Akita Dog

55. Skye Terrier

56. Xili Han ridge

57. Pug

58. French Bulldog

59. Maltese Dog

60. Italian Ling embankment

61. Chinese crested dog

62. Dundee Dingmeng ridge / Tibetan Terrier

63. Old English Sheepdog

64. Pyrenean Mountain Dog

65. Scottish Terrier / Saint Bernards

66. Ngau Tau ridge

67. Chihuahua

68. Lhasa dogs

69. Bull Mastiff

70. Shih Tzu

71. Basset Hound

72. Mastiff / billco dog

73. Beijing Dog

74. Blood embankment

75. Borzoi

76. Chow Chow

77. Tiger Dog

78. See Kyrgyzstan Dog Health

79. Afghan Hound

Norway Mi Ti

Physically strong, in the cold ice and snow without fear of it is authentic Scandinavian middle dog, are sometimes used to pull a sled, the senior family dog. Descent from Spitz, although after a few years ago, and early Norway Mi Ti comparison, in essence, almost unchanged.

History: Ancient human remains excavated in Norway fossil and present the same kinds of Norway, Mi Ti. Had been used for a long time ago and Scandinavian hunters hunting together, and later crossed the sea and the Vikings came to the mainland together. Norway Mi Ti traditional prey are rabbits, deer, lynx, bear, elk and so on, a broad range. after the First World War arrived in the United Kingdom, 1935, the United States Kennel Club recognized dog. Now, in addition to the Scandinavian country of origin some places still use this dog for hunting, other places do not regard it as hunting dogs.

Nature: elegant, brave, independent and stubborn when you kill their prey, often clash with the bears or elk. Norway Mi Ti in order to transmit information, will be issued by a variety of different voices, such as sigh, lament, howl and so on. Loud dog called on behalf of different meanings, such as hunting, when find a prey, it will inform the hunters with a special bark. that the dogs rely on excellent sense of smell, can be silent tracking prey odor. Norway Mi Ti Although we are feeding into the working dogs, but I think he is so loyal and gentle on the owner's dog, it is highly unusual, this dog highly reproductive, in hot weather or tropical climate can still breed.

Head: Head width, the amount of clear paragraphs, cutting-edge a little thin. Nose straight. Robust jaw, all of scissors-like bite.

Ears: ears sharp, erect, ears high position.

Eyes: Medium size, security and brown, egg-shaped.

Body: Back short, physical weighs, solid.

Coat: dense and thick, above water, hair around the neck, slightly thicker, coat color is gray, the abdomen, there is a light color and white.

Limbs: upright, strong and powerful, weighs.

Feet: Strong, slightly oval-shaped uplift toes, claws strong.

End: coarse, thick hair. Tail with the high tail curled.

Height: male: 52 cm Female: 50 cm