Sunday, January 3, 2010

Brief Historical Overview(2)

Today, there are two branches from this development:

- Canis, which includes the dog, wolf, jackal, the coyote and hyena.

- Vulpus, which includes all varieties of foxes.

The first traces of cohabitation and domestication of Canis Familiaris back about 10,000 years. Man of the time lives in a pack hierarchy, like himself, hunting the same game and frequents the same areas. Both have a strong herd instinct is synonymous with survival. It is probable that promiscuity and competition have led to bloody encounters, before some canine representatives, may be gripped by hunger, will be tempted by the warmth of a home. These were the first steps toward what would become an integral cooperation.

Soon, man has understood the benefits to be derived from the fantastic qualities of this animal. Senses sharper than his, and physical faculties more suited to hunting, endurance than hers and the socialization made easier by the instinctive desire to integrate the dog.

In each region, in every climate and every stage of its evolution and survival, man has practiced selective breeding that has refined the specific characteristics of the dog and gave as many varieties of this animal there was different situations.

From the primitive hunter job for which it was used, the dog later became an effective guardian of sedentary and nomadic dwellings of Man, as well as cattle he raised.

In Egypt, 3000 BC, he embodied Anubis, guardian of the dead, and was mummified with pharaohs. In Greece it became Cerberus at the gates of Hell. In China, the emperors gave him a place on their throne. The Romans introduced him to the art of war ...

It was not until the late 19th century a new role has been assigned, which pays tribute to his intelligence, his love and loyalty ...

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