Friday, January 1, 2010

Teach you how to train dogs accompanied by!

Password: through / walk / follow

Gestures: left hand tapping on the left thigh of natural droop.

The accompanying training can be divided into three steps.

The first step: Select the environment clean, flat surface space, so that dog to "rely on" passwords and gestures form a conditioned reflex. Started training with dog walking for a while, so that dog urine and familiar with the environment to exclude. Then, the left hand grip traction belt (from the collar 20 to 30 cm), then call the names of dogs to attract their attention, and issued "by" the password, while training dogs who left leg forward, and traction with a pull forward to a brisk pace, or to turn full circle in the form of the dog to accompany accompanying each training trip, generally not less than 100 ~ 150 meters. Accompanied by the cessation of training, shall be issued a "sit" and password, the end of their ride accompanied by training in the left side. In the training process, such as dogs running ahead, should issue "by" the password, and after the pull traction belt, and a short dog back to square one so that the correct position, while the dogs were not training dogs to adapt to fast-forward speed. Such as the dog appears behind, we also issue "by" the password, and anxious about pulling traction belt, so that dogs go faster, while training dogs are still the original pace. Such as dog training dogs who have deviated from or close to, then look at emergency pull traction belt, so that dog back to the right place, it correct location, deal with it say "good" or pat as a prize. In correcting the dog's location, traction has been stretched with only a moment, dogs a return to the correct position, should immediately relax traction belt, so as to avoid dog uncomfortable. Such as dogs ahead of departure from, with emergency pull traction with the method can not be corrected, then the method can be used to correct turn. Training so repeatedly, until the dogs Password "rely on" the formation of conditioned reflex. On this basis, it can re-train dogs to establish the "rely on" gesture of the conditioned reflex. Method is to make dogs sit on the left, right hand holding a traction belt, left hand empty. Start training, the left hand side of the thigh pat Department also issued a password, "by" and pull traction belt to move forward. Accompanied by the intention to relax the traction belt, from its normal position when the dog when the dog handlers who first make a gesture, immediately issued a password and pull traction belt, so that dog back to the correct location, then be awarded. Training so repeatedly, until the dog right password, gestures are the formation of conditioned reflex. In addition, available food, articles, etc. induced by dogs and dog handlers who move forward side by side. As long as the dogs remain in the correct order according to location, they give rewards, so repeated training, but also make dogs "by" the password, gestures form a conditioned reflex.

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