Friday, January 1, 2010

Ten point proposals for feed dogs

1, the dogs as partners and friends who can patiently feeding, care and tune to teach it. That it can not moody, fits and starts.

2, dogs do not have the people's intelligence, can not be logical thinking, do not understand the language of people, dogs come to learn only through memory. Therefore, training must also be patient, to be repeated to repeat a password or a gesture, to gradually help them to build some kind of behavior can not be too hasty, too demanding.

3, and the dog and the dog emotional link is to live together partnering preconditions. Therefore, the owner and dog should be more contact, more concern and care it should be friendly and treat each other.

4, in contact with colleagues, the dog's eager to learn the extent of adaptation is different. Therefore, pay attention to distinguish between different situations and can not abandon and abuse those left behind.

5, in the breeding process, must be studied to understand the quality of the dogs, characteristics, habits, in order according to their characteristics and in accordance with human needs to develop and shape it.

6, when dealing with dogs, people must not lose self-restraint. Understanding, patience and care should be consistent. Acting irrationally, seizing and abuse of dogs, for a dog breeding who is the most desirable approach. Even if the dog made a mistake, it must be properly punished. Otherwise, not only will be destroyed and a good dog, lost the meaning of dogs, but not in line with the relevant provisions of the Protection of Animals.

7 pairs of dogs must not be very much spoiled, be careful not to eclipse, should always be appropriate outdoor sports, when the dog made a mistake to give the appropriate punishment, this is the dog's care.

8, for the dog's reward and punishment should be appropriate and timely. Rewards and punishments properly and timely, for training and shaping the dog will be more with less.

9, the dog is a jogging-type animals, it is like and need exercise to maintain good health and a dog's nature, must not be a long time in the house or a circle on the activities of a limited range of column.

10, the choice of the dog and the dog to take home prior to prepare dog kennel, and other appliances. It would also be the first to learn and understand something about the dog's feeding and management of knowledge.

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